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Rabu, 25 April 2012

Fenomena Galau

Kegalauan atau galau menurut kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia edisi IV (2008) halaman 407 tertulis GALAU itu berarti kacau (tentang fikiran), "bergalau" berarti (salah satu artinya) kacau tidak karuan (pikiran) dan "kegalauan" berarti sifat (keadaan hal) galau.
Berdasarkan definisi kamus di atas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa galau berarti keadaan saat fikiran sedang kacau tak karuan atau orang yang sedang galau itu adalah orang  pikirannya sedang kacau.
Sekitar beberapa tahun yang lalu kata ini adalah kata yang jarang kita dengar, bahkan hampir tidak ada kata galau dalam keseharian. Namun, sekarang aneh aja secara tiba-tiba. Kata galau sudah menjadi trendsetter bagi remaja untuk di ucapkan.
Tidak jarang kalau kita buka twitter atau facebook, kita mendapati status atau twit dari teman kita yang menyebut kata galau. Galau, galau, dan galau lagi, jadi galau melihat status kayak gitu. Hehe
Tidak hanya di dunia maya, galau juga terjadi di dunia nyata. Apa tahun 2012 bukan jaman untuk bahagia ya? Sehingga para manusia suka dengan galau.haha parah aja neh.
Phenomena kata Galau ini semakin meningkat ketika salah satu vendor penyedia layanan operator seluler menggunakannya sebagai tema dari iklan mereka. Kata galau semakin mudah merasuk dan bersahabat dengan bibir para remaja di Indonesia
Terlebih dari kata atau phenomena tersebut, saya terkesan untuk memberikan tips bagaimana mengurangi perasaan galau, namun saya tidak akan mensharenya disini karena saya fikir galau itu agak mirip-mirip dengan artikel saya yang lalu yaitu mengenai Tips Mengurangi Rasa Sedih. Jadi bagi siapa yang penasaran dengan tips dari saya silahkan kunjungi artikel saya yang berjudul Tips Mengurangi Rasa Sedih.
tapi, phenomena GALAU juga membuat saya terinspirasi untuk membuat artikel bertemakan galau yang isinya 50% Pendidikan, 30 % pesan dan 20 % becanda atau senang-senang ini loch. Semoga aja ya banyak yang suka dan banyak yang baca, hingga GALAU juga bisa memberi makna posif kepada saya.hehe
tapi, terlepas dari semua itu, saya berpendapat bahwa galau itu sejatinya adalah perasaan yang tidak di inginkan. Akan tetapi tidak bisa dihindari kalau perasaan galau itu datang pada kita. Yang jadi pertanyaan, kenapa GALAU sering di ucapkan orang walaupun orang itu tidak sedang GALAU? Mungkin jawabannya adalah hanya sebagai hiburan. Dan sekaligus buat yang sedang GALAU, diharapkan bisa terhibur dengan adanya kata-kata becandaan yang baru.
Demikian pendapat saya sekaligus sedikit pengetahuan yang dapat saya share pada hari ini. Semoga bisa menjadi wawasan yang baru buat pembaca artikel ini khusunya mengenai GALAU. Harapan saya, hidup itu indah jadi jangan dibikin GALAU. 

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Anna Hazare's Movement Against Corruption

subh ratri..!
in this chance,i'll give all of u about Anna Hazare..
he is the one who punya kesadaran (apa tu nya?) for against corruption in one of my Favourite country,,India..

Parhane k accha
Upayogi ho sakata hai^^

A new landmark in the history of independent India, a new path paved by the veteran anti- corruption campaigner Anna Hazare. His struggle against corruption was a gentle reminder of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha. His fast-unto death, the five day fast has shown the world what Gandhism means in today’s world. The power of Gandhiji’s non violence will never cease to exist in the ages to come. While in Libya and Yemen there is bloodshed for freedom, where people are waging war against one another during the crisis, here in India, a respected social activist Anna Hazare is waging a peaceful, non violent war against corruption. His urge to free India of the greatest evil, corruption, commends appreciation. This fight against corruption staged at Jantar Mantar was not a one- man show. People from different parts of the country gave their support to Anna Hazare. The greatest merit of this non violent struggle was that no political party was involved in it. Anna Hazare and his supporters were not influenced by any political party. There was only one flag waving high in the sky and in our minds, the Indian National Flag.

The fast ended on a very positive note when the idea of Jan Lokpal Bill was accepted by the Government of India. According to the Jan Lokpal Bill, there will be a separate body to investigate and curb the ugly face of India….CORRUPTION; where people have the right to raise their voice against corrupt politicians. Moreover the CBI will be seen as an independent body, free of any other external influence. Now that the bill is going to be sanctioned, a very important question arises…. Can all the Indians touch their heart and say with confidence that the Jan Lokpal Bill will eradicate corruption???? Maybe to an extent but I don’t think it will erase corruption completely in a vast country like India.
The Jan Lokpal Bill may have loopholes like the Right to Information Act, an Act passed due to the thrust laid by Anna Hazare. According to the right to information act, the citizens of India have the right to get information on any matter concerning the country, but recently an incident occurred which clearly reflects the loopholes in it. A citizen of India lodged a complaint about the illegal wealth possessed by the former chief justice of India, K.G Balakrishnan. Even today complete information about the wealth of this most corrupted chief justice of India is not known to the public. Why? Is it beyond the Right to Information Act? Similar loopholes are likely to be there in the Lokpal bill also. It is sure that as time passes some illegal and illogical rule will come whereby the citizens cannot use this bill against the Prime Minister, Chief justice and so on thus restricting its use. The new committee formed to frame the bill must take in the interest of all sections of the population. It should be taken care that the bill will be unbiased and does not favour any person; be it the president or prime minister. Further it should be accompanied by other reformation, yes, reformation from the grass root level. Recently when assembly elections were held in Kerala, crores of rupees were spent by each candidate of the 140 constituencies for campaigning. Where did this money come from? If it is the contribution made by big industrialists and so on, then those candidates when elected should serve their interests. In Tamil Nadu, people are given free T.Vs and laptops. Where did this money come from? All these are different manifestations of corruption. A very effective way to end corruption is to reduce the money power in elections. Crores of rupees are deposited as black money by many influential people abroad.This unaccounted money should be brought back and if it is done, this black money alone can provide the necessary funds required for the construction of metros in all the states of India. These reformations if enforced can provide that extra impetus needed to curb corruption along with the Lokpal bill. The Lokpal bill is cent percent legitimate and it upholds the spirit of the constitution because its main aim is to create a corruption- free India. If by any chance it is against any article of the constitution, it is better to amend the constitution rather than the bill because of its most noble cause.
The 2G spectrum case, Adharsh Bhavan Colony, commonwealth games are the different issues which we have been hearing in the last few months which has made India a laughing stock in the comity of nations. Let us use the Jan Lokpal bill wisely, sealing its loopholes and see the ultimate result. Let us hope for the best. ^^T.F.U^^